10 Best Tricep Compound Exercises for Mass and Strength (2024)

If you’re looking to build size onto your triceps and maximize the development of your arms, you should add compound exercises to your tricep workout.

Why are triceps compound exercises so important? Compound exercises triceps are a great way to build your muscle mass and develop your strength, as it activates more than one muscle group at a time.

To effectively strengthen your triceps, you need tricep compound exercises that will work all the 3 heads, which is why doing compound exercises for your triceps is so crucial.

For those of you who are trying to achieve stunning triceps, it is highly recommended that you start performing compound tricep exercises.

In this blog, we will explore the following:

  • Triceps Muscle Anatomy
  • The Best Tricep compound Exercises
  • Training Tips
  • Training Plan As Per Your Goal
  • How To Add Them Into Your Workout Routine
  • FAQs

10 Best Tricep Compound Exercises for Mass and Strength (1)

Table of Contents

  • Triceps Muscle Anatomy
  • The Best Tricep compound Exercises
  • 1. Diamond Push-Ups
  • 2. Bench Dip
  • 3. Stability Ball Push Up
  • 4. Close-Grip Bench Press
  • 5. Parallel Bar Triceps Dip
  • 6. Reverse Grip Press
  • 7. Barbell Overhead Press
  • 8. Close-Grip Dumbbell Press
  • 9. Dumbbell Tate Press
  • 10. Elevated pike push-up.
  • Compound Tricep Workout Training Tips
  • Sets
  • Reps
  • Training Plan As Per Your Goal
  • Add Them Into Your Workout Routine
  • 1. Tricep-Focused Workout Routine
  • 2. Push Workout Routine
  • 3. Full Body Workout Routine
  • 4. Compound Tricep Workout
  • FAQs
  • Train Your Triceps Twice Per Week
  • What bodyweight tricep exercise hits all 3 heads?
  • What are compound exercises for triceps?
  • Are tricep dips compound exercises?
  • Is a tricep push down a compound exercise?
  • Conclusion
  • 7 Best Barbell Tricep Exercises For Bigger and Stronger Arms

Triceps Muscle Anatomy

Triceps brachii, or simply triceps, are a three-headedmuscle opposite of the biceps and are responsible for 2/3 of upper arm mass.

Big triceps make the arms look big, which is contrary to the popularity of big biceps, which are smaller in comparison. So, it’s essentialtofocuson and workon different tricep head muscles for maximum gains.

The tricepsis a large muscle on the back of the arm. It consists of 3 parts, the medial, lateral, and long head.

  • The lateral head of the triceps is found on the outer side of the humerus. This is the horseshoe shape that shows on the upper part of the back of your arm.
  • The medial head of the triceps is found in the middle of the back portion of the upper arm. Originating from the humerus and finishing at the elbow, it lays opposite the long head.
  • The long head of the triceps is the largest part of your triceps and is found running down the back of your arm.The long head is different from the medial and lateral heads, as it crosses the shoulder joint and assists in shoulder extension.
10 Best Tricep Compound Exercises for Mass and Strength (2)
Know Your Calorie Requirement To Build Muscle Mass

The Best Tricep compound Exercises

Here are 10 of the best tricep compound exercises to build muscle mass and strength.

1. Diamond Push-Ups

If you’re looking for straightforward bodyweight compound exercises to add to your tricep workout routine, diamond push-ups are a great staple exercise to get you started.

The Diamond push-up is a moreadvanced variation of theclassic push-up. You can practice diamond push-ups by bringing your hands too close together in order to form a diamond or triangle shape below your chest.

10 Best Tricep Compound Exercises for Mass and Strength (3)

How To Do

  1. Get on the floor with your hands together under your chest.
  2. Place your index fingers and thumbs so that they touch, making a diamond shape.
  3. Now extend your arms so that your body is elevated and forms a straight line from your head to your feet.
  4. Lower your chest towards your hands and ensure you don’t flare your elbows out to the sides.
  5. Stop just before your chest touches the floor, then push back up to the starting position.


  • Keep your body straight and rigid.
  • To make the diamond push-up easier, do it on your knees.

2. Bench Dip

If you are looking for thebest exercise to build stronger arms? Bench dips may be your answer.

The bench dip exercise is one of the most basic and best compound workouts for building the triceps and bigger arms.

The feet-elevated bench dip is one of the popular tricep bodyweight exercises for building the triceps, chest, and shoulders.

The bench dip is different from the regular dip.

  • The traditional method of dips involves elevating oneself and grasping two bars, thereby mimicking the movement of pressing.
  • The bench dip is asimpler exercise than the normal dipthat you can do without having to get your feet off the floor. When performing abench dip, you’ll use just that, a bench.
10 Best Tricep Compound Exercises for Mass and Strength (4)

How To Do

  1. Place your hands on the side of a flat bench so that your body is perpendicular to the bench when you place your feet out in front of you.
  2. Sit on one bench and place your feet on the edge of the other bench so that your legs are suspended between the two.
  3. Your arms should be fully extended with your palms on the bench.
  4. Bend your elbows to lower your body down until your elbows reach 90 degrees.
  5. Now extend your arms to lift your body back to the starting position.


  • Really squeeze the tricepsat the top of the movement to get the most out of this exercise.
  • Do not dip down too low as it places unnecessary strain on the shoulder joints.

3. Stability Ball Push Up

If you’re looking for a way to get more creative with your compound tricep workout, why not try Stability Ball Push Up?

Using a Swiss ball (or exercise ball) can bring an extra element to pushups, giving you an uneven surface to increase the difficulty.

You’ll have to focus on maintaining your balance on the ball, which allows you to work more than you would be performing the standard, floor-bound version of the classic move.

10 Best Tricep Compound Exercises for Mass and Strength (5)

How To Do

  1. Lay with your chest on the stability ball. Place your hands on the ball at the sides of your chest. They will be shoulder-width apart.
  2. Place feet back and lean forward so that your chest is directly over the ball and you are supported on your toes.
  3. Push your body up until your arms are almost straight (do not lock your elbows). Pause here for a second.
  4. Breathe out and extend your arms to bring your upper body back to the starting position.
  5. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.


  • Do not let your lower back sag or your butt rise. Ensure your body is straight and rigid.
  • Keep your glutes and core muscles contracted.
  • Your neck should be in line with your body, not tilted up, which could strain the neck.

4. Close-Grip Bench Press

The close grip bench press is another great exercise for your tricep compound workout.

This exercise used to build muscle and strength in the triceps. This position places emphasis on building strength and size of the triceps muscles, as well as the chest.

The close grip bench press is a superior movement when talking about compound exercises that will pack mass onto your triceps.

10 Best Tricep Compound Exercises for Mass and Strength (6)

How To Do

  1. Lie flat on a bench-press bench with your feet flat on the floor. With your hands shoulder-width apart, grasp the barbell with an overhand grip.
  2. Unrack the bar and slowly lower it to your lower chest.
  3. At the bottom of the movement, your elbows should be a little lower than your shoulders.
  4. Press the bar back up to the starting position.


  • If you’re new to weight lifting and this exercise, use a spotter.
  • Inhale slowly as you lower the bar to your chest, and exhale during the push upward.
  • Perform the exercise using a slow and controlled movement.

5. Parallel Bar Triceps Dip

Parallel Bar triceps dips are one of the most effective compound movements for the upper body pushing muscles – the chest and triceps especially. It is another good example of compound exercise of the tricep.

When performed on a narrow parallel bar with elbows back and your torso upright, the dip becomes one of the best exercises for building triceps mass.

10 Best Tricep Compound Exercises for Mass and Strength (7)

How To Do

  1. Grasp the dip bars with your arms extended and locked.
  2. Keep your body as vertical as possible to keep the emphasis on the triceps and away from the chest.
  3. Keep your elbows as close to your sides as possible as you bend them to lower your body down until your upper arms are about parallel to the floor.
  4. Press your hands forcefully into the bars to extend your arms and raise your body back up.
  5. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.


  • Do not lock out your elbows at the top of the movement.
  • To focus effort on the triceps, keep your body upright and elbows tucked in.

6. Reverse Grip Press

This simple and highly effective shoulder-friendly pressing variation helps to build mass and strength inyour tricep and upper chest.

It is generally done to improve lockout strength and to hone in on tricep development.

The reverse grip simply allows you to alter how the triceps are hit.This compound workout must be added to your workout regimen.

How To Do

  1. Lie flat on a bench-press bench with your feet flat on the floor. With your hands shoulder-width apart, grasp the barbell with an overhand grip.
  2. Unrack the bar and slowly lower it to your lower chest, keeping your elbows as close to your sides as possible.
  3. At the bottom of the movement, your elbows should be a little lower than your shoulders.
  4. Press the bar back up to the starting position.


  • Using anything closer than a shoulder-width grip increases triceps involvement, but can increase stress on the wrists.
  • Inhale slowly as you lower the bar to your chest, and exhale during the push upward.
  • Perform the exercise using a slow and controlled movement.

7. Barbell Overhead Press

The Shoulder Press is the best shoulder muscle mass builder exercise. It remains the grand-daddy of all shoulder exercises to build big, round shoulder muscles and at the same time this hits tricep muscles.

Performing the exercise while seated upright is a stricter version than standing and prevents cheating the weight upward using momentum generated by the legs.

10 Best Tricep Compound Exercises for Mass and Strength (9)

How To Do

  1. Sit on an exercise bench and grab a bar with an overhand grip.
  2. Bring the bar over and in front of your head, under your chin, and just above your upper chest.
  3. Now Press the bar straight up overhead until your arms are fully extended but not locked out.
  4. Slowly lower the bar back to the starting position.


  • Perform a warm-up with 50% weight for 1-2 sets.
  • Always perform the Shoulder Exercises before you perform triceps.

8. Close-Grip Dumbbell Press

The close grip dumbbell press is a variation of the dumbbell bench press and an exercise used to build muscle and strength in the triceps.

This position places emphasis on building strength and size in the triceps muscles, as well as the chest. The close grip dumbbell press is a superior movement when we’re talking about tricep compound exercises that will pack mass onto your triceps.

10 Best Tricep Compound Exercises for Mass and Strength (10)

How To Do

  1. Lie back on a flat bench, holding two dumbbells at your chest with a neutral grip.
  2. Press the dumbbells straight overhead until your arms are fully extended.
  3. Flex your triceps hard at the top for a second before bringing the weights back down toward your chest.
  4. Repeat for as many reps and sets as desired.


  • Using anything closer than a shoulder-width grip does not increase triceps involvement, but may increase stress on the wrists.
  • If you’re new to weight lifting and this exercise, use a spotter.
  • Inhale slowly as you lower the dumbbell to your chest, and exhale during the push upward.
  • Perform the exercise using a slow and controlled movement from start to finish.

9. Dumbbell Tate Press

The dumbbell Tate press is a variation of the dumbbell tricep extension and an exercise used to build stronger triceps.

It is an advanced tricep exercise that moves the muscle differently, but still targets and builds the tricep muscle.

For bodybuilders, the Tate press will offer a unique range of motion to target the triceps. This will help in building a complete pair of horseshoe triceps.

10 Best Tricep Compound Exercises for Mass and Strength (11)

How To Do

  1. Lie down on a flat bench and your feet firmly planted on the floor at the other end.
  2. Hold a dumbbell in each hand so your palms are faced towards your feet.
  3. Engage your abs in and keeping your back on the bench, raise the weights to the center of your chest.
  4. Without moving elbows, slowly raise your arms up and down by contracting your triceps. Repeat for as many reps and sets as desired.


  • Using a slow eccentric (lowering portion) of the exercise can help to improve tension and mind muscle connection.
  • Don’t lock out at the top of the movement to protect your elbows.
  • Use slow and controlled motions.

10. Elevated pike push-up.

Finally, if you’re looking for one more effective compound tricep exercise, try the elevated pike push-up.

By elevating your feet on a box, you advance these holds because you are now stabilizing a heavier percentage of your bodyweight on your arms.

10 Best Tricep Compound Exercises for Mass and Strength (12)

How To Do

  1. Start in a standard push-up position with your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and elbows completely locked out. Elevate your feet to an appropriate height for your current strength.
  2. Lift the hips up and back until your body forms an inverted V shape. Keep arms and legs as straight as possible.
  3. Slowly lower the top of your head towards the ground.
  4. Once your head is about to make contact with the ground, pause for a second.
  5. Then slowly push back up until your arms are straight and you’re in the inverted V position.


  • Be sure to have first mastered the pike press before trying the elevated pike press.
  • Make sure you maintain control throughout the movement.
  • Keep your back neutral and knees straight throughout the exercise.
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Compound Tricep Workout Training Tips

Always remember that the tricep is a small muscle group, so you don’t need to spend much time training this small muscle group.

It is also important to remember that, exercises shouldtarget all three heads of the tricep. This will help give your tricep the shape and definition you’re looking for.

The tricep exercises listed will be performed with optimum sets and reps to emphasize bothmuscular hypertrophy(muscle growth) and muscular endurance. Load andvolume (sets, reps)can be increased as your fitness and strength improve


Fitness LevelWorking Sets per Week
Beginners~10 sets per week
Intermediate~15 sets per week
Advanced~20 sets per week


The best rep ranges and loads to work with.

Rep RangeLoad
6-8 repsHeavy load
8-15 repsModerate load
15-20+ repsLight load

Training Plan As Per Your Goal

  1. For muscle endurance:Aim for3-4 sets of 12-15 reps, with a moderate amount of resistance.
  2. For muscle strength:Aim for3-5 sets of 6-10 reps, with a heavier amount of resistance.
  3. For muscle hypertrophy (increased muscle size): Aim for3-4 sets of 8-12 reps, with a moderate to heavy amount of resistance.

Add Them Into Your Workout Routine

Compound exercises can be incorporated into your workout routine in a variety of ways. Here are some options:

  1. As a standalone exercise:Do on 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps.
  2. As part of a tricep workout:Do 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps along with other tricep exercises like the tricep pushdown and skull crusher.
  3. As part of a full-body workout:Do 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps along with other compound exercises like squats, deadlifts, andbench presses.

1. Tricep-Focused Workout Routine

Close Grip Bench Press48-10
Tricep Pushdown310-12
Overhead Tricep Extension38-12

2. Push Workout Routine

Push Ups38-10
Incline Bench Press46-8
Shoulder Press48-10
Lateral Raise38-12
Bench Dip38-12

3. Full Body Workout Routine

Close Grip Bench Press46-8
Spider Curl38-10
Overhead Press48-10
Plank330 sec

4. Compound Tricep Workout

Bench Dip48-12Moderate to Heavy
Reverse Grip Press36-8Heavy
Barbell Overhead Press38-12Moderate to Heavy
Dumbbell Tate Press310-15Light to Moderate


Train Your Triceps Twice Per Week

Training your triceps twice per week can provide a nice stimulus for greater growth. This muscle group recovers fairly quickly, so 2-3 days between workouts is all you need.

What bodyweight tricep exercise hits all 3 heads?

Diamond push-ups are a great way to hit all three heads simultaneously, as are close-grip bench presses, kickbacks, and push down.

What are compound exercises for triceps?

Above is a list of some of the best compound exercises for triceps that you should try out if you want to see better results with your workouts.

Are tricep dips compound exercises?

Dips are a compound bodyweight exercise that works on a large group of muscles at the same time. Whether it is a tricep dip or chest dip.

Is a tricep push down a compound exercise?

No tricep push down is not a compound exercise. It is an isolation exercise because it works on a specific muscle group.


These tricep compound exercises are highly recommended for anyone interested in building a bigger triceps and who wants to gain strength.

It not only allows for targeted muscle development, but also provides an overall best look. It is easy to do and requires no more scientific details and fancy equipment. Incorporate some exercise from these compound exercises into your tricep workout regimen.

If you do these tricep compound exercises consistently, the results will speak by themselves.


  1. Tiwana MS, Sinkler MA, Bordoni B. Anatomy, Shoulder and Upper Limb, Triceps Muscle. [Updated 2022 Aug 30]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2022 Jan-. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK536996/

7 Best Barbell Tricep Exercises For Bigger and Stronger Arms

10 Best Tricep Compound Exercises for Mass and Strength (13)

Manish Kumar

Manish brings over 10 years of hands-on experience in weight lifting and fat loss to fitness coaching. He specializes in gym-based training and has a lot of knowledge about exercise, lifting technique, biomechanics, and more.

Through “Fit Life Regime,” he generously shares the insights he’s gained over a decade in the field. His goal is to equip others with the knowledge to start their own fitness journey.

10 Best Tricep Compound Exercises for Mass and Strength (2024)
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