Empathy vs compassion: the difference, and why they matter — Calm Blog (2024)


Written By Calm Editorial Team

Empathy vs compassion: the difference, and why they matter — Calm Blog (2)

Clinically reviewed by Dr. Chris Mosunic, PhD, RD, CDCES, MBA

Empathy and compassion are similar but different. Learn the definition and the difference between empathy vs compassion. Plus, how to become more compassionate.

Understanding and connecting with another person—either through empathy or compassion—facilitates more meaningful interactions and relationships. Whether it’s a friend going through a tough time or a family member facing a challenge, how we connect with them can significantly impact the support we offer.

Knowing the differences between empathy and compassion can help us approach others and what they’re going through with understanding and kindness.

What is compassion?

Compassion is a concern for the wellbeing and happiness of others and a genuine urge to help alleviate someone’s suffering. Compassion isn’t just a fleeting emotion—it’s a lasting state, a readiness to extend a helping hand whenever possible.

Compassion doesn’t need to be a grand gesture, like offering to carry someone’s groceries or helping cover shifts for a coworker in need. It could be as simple as offering a comforting word, lending an ear to someone who needs to talk, or sharing a meal with someone who might be lonely.

The essence of compassion lies in its proactive nature. You noticed someone struggling, felt sincere concern, and took a step to help them. Compassion nudges us to make a positive difference, no matter how small.

Understanding compassion can be a gateway to deeper, more meaningful interactions in our day-to-day lives. It encourages us to step out of our comfort zones and reach out to others in need. When we act with kindness, our gestures can generate change by influencing others to act more compassionately, as well.

What is empathy?

Empathy is the capability to tune into someone else’s emotions and to feel what they’re feeling. Empathy means attempting to genuinely understand another person’s feelings and perspectives.

Imagine that a friend is sharing that they have anxiety about an upcoming job interview. You listen attentively, and, as they speak, you recall your experiences of pre-interview nerves. You understand their worry because you’ve felt the same worry before. You acknowledge their anxiety and offer comforting words or advice. This act of understanding and sharing in your friend’s emotional state is called empathy.

Empathy helps nurture relationships—it lays the groundwork for deeper connections, making our interactions more understanding, supportive, and genuine. It’s about being present and attuned to other people’s emotions and responding with understanding.

What are the differences between empathy vs compassion?

While both empathy and compassion are avenues to connect with others, their core essence and impact are different. While empathy allows for emotional understanding, compassion takes it further by driving action. It's about moving from feeling to doing, from emotional resonance to proactive kindness.

Through this understanding, we can see the value of cultivating empathy and practicing compassion in our daily actions, which not only enrich our relationships but positively impact our communities, too.

Emotional connection vs deep understanding

Empathy steers emotional connection. It's about feeling the same emotions that another person is experiencing and aligning emotionally because of that similarity. On the other hand, compassion drives us towards a deep understanding of another's distress, coupled with a desire to make them feel better. It's not just about feeling, it’s about understanding and taking action.

Feeling vs recognizing

Empathy is rooted in deeply feeling what another person is going through and mirroring their emotional state. Compassion is about acknowledging what the other people are going through instead of feeling the emotion yourself.

Inward vs outward focus

Empathy often revolves around an inward reflection that allows us to feel the emotions that another person is experiencing. Compassion propels us outward and encourages acting on the feeling to help alleviate someone else’s discomfort.

Emotion vs action

Empathy primarily consists of feeling the emotional state of another, while compassion is action-oriented. Compassion prompts us to take steps to ease another's suffering, no matter how small.

Momentary connection vs long-term commitment

Empathy, although a profound feeling, can be more of a momentary emotional connection that is often fleeting once the shared emotion dissipates. Compassion, on the other hand, reflects a long-term commitment to assisting others and a consistent readiness to help.

💙 Learn more about Empathy vs. Compassion with this Daily Jay session.

7 ways to become a more compassionate person

Embracing compassion can significantly enrich our lives and the lives of those around us. If you long to cultivate a more compassionate approach to the world around you, we’ve got some simple tips that can help.

These action steps can encourage a shift from merely understanding emotions to taking proactive steps to support and alleviate distress. Integrating compassion into our daily interactions can create a ripple of kindness, fostering a more nurturing and supportive community.

1. Practice active listening

Listen intently when others speak. Engage in conversation, ask open-ended questions to better understand, and avoid interrupting. Showing genuine interest in what others say can be a simple act of compassion.

💙 Sharpen your listening skills and make others truly feel heard with Jay Shetty in this Supportive Listening meditation.

2. Volunteer in your community

Offer your time and skills to causes that matter to you. Volunteering is a direct way to exercise compassion that makes an immediate impact. Whether caring for a loved one, helping at a local animal shelter, or organizing a food drive, your acts of compassion can directly impact another life.

💙 Learn the benefits of Community Service and why it’s great to give back.

3. Cultivate mindfulness

Engage in mindfulness practices like meditation or journaling to build awareness around your thoughts and feelings. Being mindful can enhance your understanding of others and strengthen compassion and the desire to help.

💙 Boost your practice with Mindfulness for Beginners, a simple 30-day program designed for everyone.

4. Practice self-compassion

Don’t forget to extend kindness and understanding to yourself, especially during challenging times. Embracing your imperfections and feelings can empower you to extend the same compassion to others.

💙 Cultivate mindfulness-based Radical Self-Compassion with Tara Brach to learn how to actively extend kindness and compassion towards yourself.

5. Seek to understand

Before reacting, take a moment to understand someone else’s perspective to learn where they’re coming from. Just as we just discussed embracing your imperfections, try to accept the imperfections of others.

💙 Explore how to develop Understanding in this 10-minute guided exercise with Tamara Levitt.

6. Educate yourself

Educate yourself about the experiences and challenges others face, especially those from different backgrounds or communities. Listening and learning can foster understanding and compassion.

💙 There are always new things to learn about yourself and the world around you. Check out one of our Calm masterclass options to deepen your understanding.

7. Express gratitude

Create a gratitude practice. Gratitude can help you cultivate a compassionate outlook by recognizing the value and goodness around you.

💙 Shift your perspective From Overwhelm into Gratitude with Kate Johnson.

Empathy vs compassion FAQs

What is the difference between empathy and compassion?

Empathy and compassion are ways to connect with others, but they play different roles. Empathy is about feeling the same emotions that someone else is feeling. For example, if a friend is sad, you feel sad along with them. Compassion takes empathy a step further. It’s about recognizing someone’s distress and wanting to help alleviate it. So, when you see someone in trouble, not only do you understand their problem, but you also want to help sort it out. Compassion motivates us to act and make a positive difference, while empathy encourages us to feel and relate.

Which is better, compassion or empathy?

Both empathy and compassion are valuable in building meaningful relationships. Empathy helps in understanding other people’s emotions and creating bonds. Compassion, however, not only understands but also propels us to take action to help. It’s about moving from feeling to doing something helpful. Empathy can be a stepping stone to compassion, leading us from feeling to taking positive action.

Can you be both empathetic and compassionate?

Being empathetic and compassionate is like having a superpower for creating solid and supportive relationships. Empathy allows you to understand others' feelings, while compassion motivates you to take action to help. It’s a blend that encourages understanding while making a positive impact in others’ lives. Empathy and compassion go hand in hand, enhancing our connections with others and making our social interactions more meaningful and enriching.

What is the difference between empathetic and compassionate leadership?

Empathetic and compassionate leadership both aim to create a supportive work environment, but they do so in slightly different ways. Empathetic leadership is about understanding employees' emotions and perspectives and creating an environment where people feel heard and understood. Compassionate leadership, on the other hand, not only understands but takes action to support and help employees, recognizing the challenges and actively working to provide support or solutions. Compassionate leadership often brings a more supportive and caring work culture, benefiting both employees and the organization.

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Empathy vs compassion: the difference, and why they matter — Calm Blog (11)

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What do you find difficult about sleep?

Falling asleepStaying asleepRestless sleepWaking upSomething else

`; // Replace with actual HTML content var snippetHTML2 = `

How does stress show up for you?

AnxietyOverwhelmIrritationAvoidanceAll or none of the above

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How often do you meditate?


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Article information

Author: Neely Ledner

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Author information

Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.